Herbal tea Cake "Ayuu", 80 g

202.00 ฿

Fermented cherry leaf
Fermented Meadowsweet leaf
Fermented raspberry leaf
Ivan tea

Pressed herbal collection of wild herbs.
Collection - summer 2021.

Restorative herbal collection, has a mild calming effect, detoxifier.

All herbs have undergone a special long-term fermentation process, thanks to this, the "herbaceous" taste and aroma have gone out of them.
Herbal collection "Auuu" in color and aroma is more like traditional tea, not herbs.
Beautifully pressed tile made of fermented herbs and berries.
In dry form, a dark tile with inclusions and a sweet and sour aroma.
The infusion is dark yellow in color with a multifaceted sweet aroma.
The taste is balanced, sweet-tart with a slight sourness.

Cooking method:
The tile consists of 9 slices and is designed for about 5 liters of tea. It is recommended to brew with a long single infusion in a heat-intensive dish.
1 slice per 500 ml of boiling water. Insist from 5 minutes. It can be brewed in a thermos or boiled over fire with the addition of traditional tea or herbs to taste.

Herbal collection "Auuu" has practically no contraindications with moderate use.

Have you been walking through the forest for a long time, shouting "Auuuu" and listening to the answer in silence and the rustle of leaves!??
The herb collection "Auuu" is an interesting and delicious collection that really fills the atmosphere of forest silence…
Meadowsweet - has restorative and soothing properties. The alkalizing and toning ivan tea fills, and the cherry leaf and berries give a pleasant sourness and aromatic taste. Raspberry leaf will complement the collection with a charming aroma. Indeed, the collection tastes like you walked through the forest, picked herbs and immediately brewed in a thermos! Only we did it for you. As a result, the collection turned out to have a balanced, sweet-tart taste with a slight sourness.