Herbal tea Cake "Call of the Spirit" , 80 g

236.00 ฿

Black Currant leaf
Mountain thyme
Rosehip (fruit)
Red root (Radices hedysarae theinae, Siberian penny)
Sagan-Dailya (Adams Rhododendron, sagaan dali, saigan-dailya)
Sea buckthorn berries

are 100% Wild harvest of Altai, 2021.

The collection is intended for people experiencing high physical activity. A powerful antioxidant, immunomodulator, adaptogen. It contains many trace elements, helps the body to adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions.

Gathering "Call of the Spirit" is an invitation to the Dense Forest.

Oregano, thyme and black currant give a unique complex aroma of the composition, and sagan daylya, mint and red root give a special piquancy and aroma to the whole collection and stimulate immunity.

Cypress, which has become the basic basis, will bring a lot of benefits for every tea lover, and the fruits of rosehip and chaga mushroom will give a special piquancy and have a good effect on the tone of the body. In general, it turned out to be a powerful, rich and very multifaceted collection. It is perfect as a gift, a tea party with friends and just for enjoying alone.

Cooking method:
Break off a piece, put 700 ml in a kettle, pour hot water (90g) and insist for 5-10 minutes.
Brew well in a thermos (1 piece per 1000 ml of hot water).
The collection has a restorative, anti-inflammatory, cleansing and toning effect on the human body. We do not recommend drinking it at night.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, children under 5 years old.

All our herbal tea is closer to a healthy diet than to a medicine. Initially, it is an herbal drink that reveals the different flavors of each of the herbal collections!
The peculiarity is that each collection is collected taking into account the recommendations of experienced herbalists, is balanced and does not contain highly active or poisonous plants.
As a rule, undesirable effects and side effects may occur in the case of prolonged use of a medicinal plant intended only for short-term use.